Episode #34: How to Create a Vision Board and Manifest the Life You Want with Special Guest Keri Shull
In this episode, Julia interviews her life-long friend Keri Shull, successful entrepreneur and founder of the Keri Shull Team, the top-selling real estate team in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia area, about the power of vision boarding. Keri gets into the details of how you can create a vision board, apply it to all aspects of your life including your career, and make it manifest your accomplishments.
How to Create a Vision Board and Manifest the Life You Want with Special Guest Keri Shull Episode Recap
In this special episode of the Two Marketing Moms podcast, Julia welcomes Keri Shull, a powerhouse businesswoman and founder of the top-selling real estate team in DC, Maryland, and Virginia. The discussion centers around the transformative practice of vision boarding.
Keri has been an avid fan of vision boards for over a decade. She believes in the power of setting intentions and manifesting the future through visual representations. Her first vision board accurately predicted her future relationship and family, inspiring her to continue the practice.
Julia and Keri discuss how vision boarding impacts personal and professional growth. At Keri Shull Team, they incorporate a “Wheel of Life” exercise to help team members analyze various aspects of their lives and identify areas for improvement. Then, they create vision boards that align with their goals and aspirations.
Keri shares heartwarming anecdotes about how vision boards have influenced her life and those around her. Notably, they have not only shaped her own journey but also fostered a supportive environment with her loved ones. Her husband played an essential role in fulfilling her vision, from a dream home to the desired family lifestyle.
Finally, Keri describes how vision boarding impacts her real estate team, creating a sense of camaraderie and shared support for one another’s goals. She introduced a unique program that prioritizes work-life balance for her team members, enabling them to be present for their families while maintaining their professional success. To make a vision board, first, assess all aspects of your life using the Wheel of Life. This exercise helps you analyze what you want to improve, what makes you happy, and what areas need attention. Afterward, you can start crafting your vision board by using pictures, words, and drawings that represent your goals and desires. Place the board in a spot where you’ll see it regularly, like where you brush your teeth.
For those embarking on a new career, a vision board can be a powerful tool to focus on specific objectives. Instead of vague wishes like “doing well at work,” outline clear and measurable goals. Research the organization’s expectations and then strive to exceed them, demonstrating your value and setting yourself apart for promotions or salary increases. Some people may be skeptical about vision boards, but Keri’s advice is to encourage them to give it a try. When surrounded by enthusiastic individuals with their vision boards, the skeptics often join in and begin visualizing their own dreams. Vision boarding isn’t limited to individual practice; it can be an excellent activity to do with friends, colleagues, or family members. Host a vision board session and get everyone involved in creating their visual representation of their dreams.
As you progress, your goals and desires may change. It’s essential to revisit your vision board periodically and reassess your ambitions. Some goals might no longer align with your life’s direction, and that’s okay. Be open to evolving and adjusting your vision board accordingly.
A vision board is a powerful tool to align your dreams with your actions, leading you towards a life of fulfillment and purpose. By creating a visual representation of your intentions and taking inspired actions, you’ll be amazed at how the magic of vision boards can transform your life. So, embrace clarity and start creating your vision board today – your dreams are waiting to come true.
Episode Transcript:
Okay, welcome to the to marketing moms podcast today, I have probably the most special guest, because she’s not just a guest. She’s actual like a friend like a kindred spirit that I’ve known for practically half of my life. So welcome to the podcast Keri Shull. Thank you so much for having me. I’m excited to be here. Yes.
So okay, I’m gonna read some of your bio carry but like honestly, it doesn’t do your justice. You are the founder of the Keri Shull team, the top selling real estate team in DC, Maryland and Virginia, and the 21st Mega team in the nation for overall volume. According to real trends, and Tom Berry, in 2018, you co founded hyperfast agent, an online community where real estate agents get life changing training and personal coaching from Carrie and her husband, Dan Lesniak. She is also the mother of four children ages five and under. And she’s also a frequent and charismatic public speaker, one of the best, who has built and scaled multiple businesses. And this is like this is this is you carry like, you are probably one of the most powerhouse women I know. And amazing businesswoman.
Thank you so much.
You always rocked the selling skills when we were in sales class together. I was so good. I love and you made it work for you. Like you took that and you just flew to the moon. Okay, so what I’m here, what I have invited Carrie here to talk about is vision boarding. Because back when Carrie and I believe it or not, we’re working together. Back where we had, well, at least I had less gray hair. She started working with a coach. And then you really started doing vision boarding lots of like manifesting the things that you wanted in your life and the things you saw in your future. And I think you are a testament to that process. So talk to me, is it right like you you started vision boarding when you were working with your one of your initial coaches? Is that right?
It’s hard to remember a time when I didn’t do vision boards like I am obsessed with them. I actually have a hilarious vision bird story. Do you want to hear about my I think it’s actually the first vision board that I did, maybe. So. I was in my 30s. So it hasn’t been forever, but it’s been over a decade. Okay. And the reason that I love it and board so much is it’s you dreaming and then telling your future self like where to go. Right. It’s setting an agenda for your destiny, which is pretty cool. And I believe that a vision board like a lot of people make them and then they shove them in a closet. I always put my vision board where I brush my teeth, which is leading me…
know I remember going into your bathroom one day, and you know your new house when you were building it, and there was your vision board right in your bathroom.
Yes. And I save them. So the first one that I like can visualize. And remember the funny story is, I put it where I brush my teeth. And so the first time my husband ever spent the night he was brushing his teeth, and he looks up and there’s my vision board. And it has the stick figure of my future husband with the date, march 1, and then it has the stick figure of the little kid people and has the dates that we’re gonna have them. And this is his first sleepover. Right, like little overwhelming for your first sleepover. Right? So he pokes his head out the door and he goes, Hey, is this me? And I said, Yep, he goes, Okay, then he goes back at the bathroom.
Gosh, you never told me that.
Yeah. Then he comes be pokes his head back out the door. He goes, so are we having a baby in 2015? And I go, yep. And he goes, Okay, then he goes back and he’s like, and another one in 2017 I go. And he goes, Okay. Um, so bottom line, like my whole life was mapped out and to the day. The day I started dating him was the date on the vision board. So when he comes out, he says, um, when did you make that vision board? And I said in December, because I always do my vision boards like at the end of the year for the next year, right. And he didn’t believe Have me because the date was to the day that we started dating. I said, No, I promise that I and he goes, Oh, so everything on that vision board and another story about that specific vision board.
Part of why I love them as the people around you know where you’re going when they see your vision board, and they support that, right. And we’re going to talk about how this impacts organizations and scale and the bigger picture, but this is just in my personal life, right? So I had on that same vision board where I had the date of the husband, the date of the children, right, I had, that I was going to build a new construction house. And I had all the features that I wanted in the house down to that I wanted a pool in the backyard, I wanted a fireplace in the master bedroom. Okay, so I’m building this new construction house with my husband. And he remembered that vision board. And so he goes in the master bedroom, and he said, Where’s the fireplace? And I said, Oh, we couldn’t fit one. And he’s like, No way, we are definitely getting a fireplace that was on your vision board. And so he were on board intact, and got that fireplace. And it’s actually like incredible. It’s a two sided fireplace. And I would love the idea.
It’s so gorgeous. So it’s those are…
the things that when you when you create this vision, and you enroll the people who love you, around you, if that’s your vision, they get on board, and then they support it happening. And there are things that wouldn’t have happened, I wouldn’t have ended up with a pool in the backyard. And I wouldn’t have got the fireplace because I had given up on those things. And my husband was like, Oh, hell no, you’re not giving up on your vision, you’re getting those things, you know. So I think that’s really cool.
Wow, wow. Okay, so you do this with your team? Every at the end of the year, you said? Yes. And you get them all on board to make their own vision boards.
Yeah, so we do something. And it’s called the wheel of life, right. And so that’s what leads us that we do this exercise that leads us into the vision board, or analyzing before we do the vision board, is some people don’t like this word, but balance.
All of the important spokes of the wheel are family, friendships, business, financial success, like all the big spiritual community involvement, right? It’s all of these things in their ranking how they feel about their life. And most of the time, and we do this year over year, and we then give them theirs from the past few years to look at, and they analyze the patterns. And so we’re helping them to get present with what they need to work on before they create their vision board. So for some people, their vision is themed, right? They go, they go through moments in life where they really need to focus on specific things to take them to the next level of take them to the next level of happiness. And that’s how we lead into the exercise. And then they do vision boards.
We used to keep them in the office. And I decided, you know, I’m gonna let them choose because I want my vision board where I brush my teeth. And they’re running around, you know, we’re in real estate. So we’re in and out of the office. And I thought, well, I want them to have that same opportunity to be present with their vision every day. So most of them, take them home and put them where they brush their teeth now.
Yeah, I think as an entire group, the impact is, they feel like they have people around them professionally, that support their overall vision. For some of them, they need to be more present for their families. So we built we actually have a really unique in real estate, most people, they have a showing agent or they have an assistant. Okay, I ended up designing a program. And I think a lot of it was because of our visions I wanted, I felt like I created work life balance for myself by growing a team. But I wanted the members of my team to have that same ability to be home in the evenings that they wanted to to spend time with their families on the weekend. So they we created a program where they have partners that are very, very successful real estate agents. It’s a salaried position with bonuses. But that enabled us to hire people that were able to fill in for the agents so that they could accomplish their vision to
Yeah, absolutely. Well, I first I hired my first team member on for my business this year. And and that was so that I could fill out the things that I had in my vision, right, which was balance, which was literally not using up all of my energy during the day doing work, so that I had nothing left to give my family at night, you know, and so on. Part of that was kind of like my business vision. I didn’t do like a board, but I did like a plan and I have done it every December for the past couple years. And so I mean, in a way I’ve done that and, and definitely been able to have a bowl to drive towards.
Yeah. That’s awesome. Congratulations, Julia.
Thank you. You’ve been through it from the very beginning carry. Okay, so how do you do? How do you suggest people actually do the doing of the vision board? Like once they come up? They do their their circle? What is the circle of life?
Keri Yeah, the the wheel of life, the wheel of life,
the wheel of life? Oh, I was like, I had Lion King in my head. Um, once they do that, then how do they actually like, what is the best way to get to…
know what’s interesting? For me, I’m, I’m visual. So some years, I do two vision boards, because one is about it. People are very tempted to do I want to buy a boat, and then there’s a picture of the boat, right? And they want to see the boat because that inspires them to hit metrics. I like, Okay, if you want to buy a boat, if you whatever, whatever it is, whatever you want a new house, what I like to put the things that I need to do to get that on my vision board.
Like, okay, if I need 500,000 in security funds before I’m going to feel comfortable buying the boat, then I would put that on there. But I write out specific things on my vision. And like, you heard me say the stick figures, I took markers. And I would draw what I wanted in different categories. And then I would put some pictures. So in the olden days, I used to use magazines, I would go pick out a ton of magazines, I would find the things that were inspiring to me and excited me and tied to my goals. And I would put those on the vision board. Over the years, my children inspire me. So I switched out instead of having a picture of a boat, I would put pictures of my family together on the vision board, and pictures of myself and my sister or myself and my mom, if I wanted to make sure that I had deeper relationships with them. Right. Okay, so for me, it’s evolved over the years. And now I have one that’s kind of like a bong, what are the things that I want? Right, that helps motivate me, and then I have one that’s more what I want to accomplish and what I want to do and how I want to feel. And so sometimes I come up with themes, I think, and 2021. My theme was simplicity. And because things were getting so complicated, right? I just had so much going on that I wanted to kind of declutter take a little time and like, pared down and just focus on the simplicity and enjoying the simple things in life. So that was kind of my theme for myself.
Love it. Well, my 2022 theme for myself is self love. Oh, I love that. Yes, I figured that in 2022 I needed to work on how I talked to myself. Because so important.
Yeah, people don’t talk about that a lot, Julia. And you’re right.
Yeah, it was. Yeah. Last year was a little bit of a tough year. I don’t know, COVID. Year to just, it was just I don’t know, was just black. That’s good. So okay, I love this. Well, I found some I got this email from this lady. I’m, I follow and she has a vision board on Trello. So you basically have like different cards, and then you can put your bowls. But I think that’s probably a good starting place. But I think you’re right, like you do need to put it somewhere where you’re going to be able to see it or share it. And so those goals don’t just like get buried somewhere online. Mm hmm. And that you’re always thinking about them. Like my business goals. I always like just do five a year. And that way they kind of like are always replaying in my head. But I do think that perhaps I should do a larger vision board that includes things with family and all the other things that we talked about emotional that’s my 2020 year has lots of emotional goals, spiritual goals, those kinds of things so that you can see it.
Yeah, yeah. The other thing that I love about it, I do it with my husband.
So we have like a goal planning session. And then that leads us to vision boards and we actually do it with our kids. So they get very excited to do vision boards. We started my son winging it when he was three, I think, Oh my gosh. And he had things on there. Like, we would talk, what are your goals for the year, so he wanted to learn to swim. Okay, that year, he wanted to learn to ride a bike, which I was like, that’s a little young, I don’t like with no training wheels. I want to ride a bike like him, you know, like one of the neighbors were like, and you did it. Right. And then we were getting ready to have our third child then. So he also wanted to hold his brother by himself. Oh, it was like, Oh, so cute. So we’ve put like these adorable pictures of him doing his favorite things on there. And then when he brushed his little teeth, that’s next to him.
Oh, my gosh, okay, you’re giving me great inspo, I should do this with my children.
I grew up with a father that did goal planning with us, like we will do family goals in January, not in December. But we would sit down, you know, Christmas had passed, you know that. And then we would do family goals. And we would all talk about our goals. And so I wanted to do that with my own children. And I just added the vision boards because they’re so near and dear to my heart.
Yeah, I think that’s awesome. I think it’s awesome. Okay, so are there ever people on your team that are skeptical of vision boarding or who are like, what is this black magic?
They are. And I tell them the story that I shared with you guys about the vision board with them? And they’re all like, Yeah, but that’s for you, not for us. Like, if I, some of the skeptics would say like, well, if I did that, then I would just like dumb because it wouldn’t come true. Right? Yeah. And I think that that skepticism, it makes sense. Like, if you haven’t manifested or haven’t been intentional about manifesting your vision. It’s okay. Like, I have people right out of college. This is like, but then guess what happens when you have 100 people in a room? And 75 of them jump right in? Because they’ve been doing it for years. The skeptical ones are like looking to their right, like into their life. They’re like, Oh, they’re taking all the good magazines, I’m gonna jump in, right? So they kind of just get on board. I’ve never had anybody, like, refuse to do it, or like, I don’t want to do it. Because it’s just not our culture. Our culture is like, Hey, you might be skeptical, but try it. Yeah, the worst case scenario is you you miss something on your board, which happens every single year. That’s okay. Then you decide whether you want to carry it over or not.
I’ve always wanted to do it with like, the ladies in my neighborhood, we have like a close knit and kind of group that gets together often. And I wonder, like, what is the first step? If I were to get like a group together? Do I? Do you have like, you know, write out the different categories? And then have people write down a certain number of goals for those categories? Like how do you help them lead?
I’ll send you I’ll send you the framework that I use, which is it’s It’s definitely like a calculated sheet. Oh, have them do that first, where they’re filling in.
It’s about analyzing this is my opinion, it’s about analyzing where you missed the mark, what you want to see improve, and what you were really happy with, in in every category of life, right? And then once you’re grounded in that, you also start, what are the things that you want? Like, ironically, I haven’t had a car for months, and I’ve been living in temporary housing. So I’m like, Oh, my gosh, I can’t wait till I have a place to brush my teeth. And I have a vision board.
I don’t have a 2022 vision board. Because since since Christmas, I’ve been living in Airbnbs. When, yeah, waiting for my house to be done. So even talking about this, I’m like, Oh my gosh, I can’t wait to have a vision board. I don’t have a 2022 theme, because I didn’t even create the vision board because it’s been utter chaos. So getting grounded and back to getting back to some of the the systems that have helped me to be successful in life is so exciting for me.
Oh my gosh. So what do you do if like, okay, so when you’ve done a vision board, and then you’re a year in and you’re about to do a different one, a new one? What if you haven’t accomplished?
You just lose your hair over or you say to yourself, what did I not accomplish this? Because I couldn’t quite get there and I want to do it or has my goal changed? Like, I’ll give you an example. I had a vision and a goal of writing a book. Okay, I had the title of the book picked out. I was like, yes. Awesome. Okay. That was before I had children. So I had that on the vision board. I didn’t accomplish I carried it over. I actually carried it over for three years, like, I’m gonna do this. And then I’m like, You know what, I’m going to pull this off the board for a while, because there are other things. Then I had infants and a toddler. And so it was like, actually, I’m not doing it. Because not because I don’t want to do it at some point. It just doesn’t fit in with what’s happening in my life right now. So I’ll do it later. And I’m not going to keep it on my vision board for the next eight years until I decide to do it. Because it’s demotivating. To me. So the question you just asked about, what would you do to create the right environment for your team or your friends or your your neighborhood? Women? Yeah, I think it starts with wine. You have to get people a little loose and a little free. Because when I think and my team, by the way, we definitely drink when we do vision boards, like it’s a prerequisite to success, in my opinion, or a very nice sparkling water if you’re not a drinker. But I think you have to get yourself in a relaxed state where you can really, okay, otherwise, you’re like, I don’t want to say that I want a new car. Because what if I don’t get it? Right? Oh, say it, do it like
it the vision the process is about not holding back.
Yes, yes. And if you’re not in the right mood to do it, wait. Right, the next day, like, it has to be something where like, when we do it with my team, we all do it on that day. And I can’t say like, Okay, you woke up late this morning. And you’re having a bad day. So you do it tomorrow. Like that’s not how it works. We all get together and we do it. But for you personally, like you want to be in the right state. If you got a flat tire that day, and you’re frantic, and you have a deadline at work, like that’s probably not the right day to dream about your life, you might need to have a new day. Look at it.
Okay, love that. Okay, love that. I had another question for you. And now it just completely evaporated. Okay, so career goals, right? So these ones I feel like are well, maybe every category is tricky, but you know, career goals, right?
So say I’m brand new in my career, and I put down that I want to, you know, accelerate my career, whether that whether that’s getting a promotion, or making more money, or finding a place where I feel like I fit in, I mean, it really could be anything. Or let’s say it’s even in your personal life, like I want to find a partner in life, and I want to start a family. Um, so go back to those little things where you talked about, like, what you need to do to accomplish those, like, how do you do you then talk with your team and say, Okay, now you need to really go back and like, almost write a plan for how you’re going to get to those things? Because you can’t just say like, oh, I want to raise, but how are you going to get there?
Yes. So that’s a really good point. So for my advice, if there was somebody who was brand new in their career, I would make sure that it’s not just I want to do well at work, that’s too loose, you’ll never go, Oh, I like, does that mean on your annual review? You want a nine out of 10? Or a 10? out of 10? What does that mean? Do you have an annual review? How are you judged by your leadership of your success? And then what are the things that you can do to drive additional value? So I always look at it like, Okay, if it’s taking on a project that’s outside of your typical role, and nailing it to get an extra attention from top leadership, maybe that’s something you put on there and you take on but what’s the ultimate goal you’re looking to achieve? When you started the position? And you asked about the opportunity for financial advancement? Did they tell you, if you nail your first year you could get a $10,000 Raise? Or did they say it could be a $20,000 Raise? And I’m I’m really competitive. Julia knows this. So they told me if you do really well, you can get a $10,000 Raise, I would want a $15,000 Raise. Right? And so that’s what would be on my vision board. And then it would be okay. Well, how do they define success? And then how do I outdo? What is their definition of success? How do I bring more value than they planned on? Where is there another hole in that organization that I can take something on and fill it? So I’m not just worth the $10,000 Raise? I’m worth the 15
Yes, everyone needs someone like Keri in their life. If we would do anything together, you would be like, Well, if you say five, I say six. And especially in work, if someone would say, carry all do this, you’d be like, Okay, well, I’m gonna double that. Everyone needs a friend that, that does that as a good example of how you should strive to, you know, find those those places to create your own opportunities. Yeah.
And you also have to be comfortable and confident enough to present what you’ve done. So this is a funny story from when we work together. My first annual review was four hours. I don’t know if you know this. No, four hours. And you know why? Because I came to the anoa room with a tabbed notebook. I wanted to be promoted. Yes. And I was the last one that was hired. So if they did it in sequence, yeah. Then people were hired. And we were basically living like, I couldn’t afford dollar beers. Some weeks like, we were so poor back then were so poor. Like, I cannot wait in line until last to get promoted. I’m going to like, die in my one, TJ Maxx black suits. And my dollar beers, right.
So I went in, and I knew the different categories that they were looking for, in order to promote someone and I said, I want to be promoted. And Rob Capitolina Porcel was the one doing the annual review with me. And he, he was like, Well, yeah, we were really proud of the job you’re doing. Like he was trying to like, put me off. And I’m like, Well, why can’t I be promoted? Like, what is the reason that you feel that I’m not ready. And remember, my, my boss, this is going into the story. But my boss was going through a divorce and left. And so I ran the community by myself. The same amount of deals that she sold, but I was still living on dollar beer. So I was like, no, no, sir. That is not going to continue. So I came armed for battle, right? Yeah, I had the tabs. He was like, Oh, I think this this quarter, it’s really important for you to work on marketing, and like, fantastic. I’m so glad you brought that up. Let me showcase all of the marketing that I’ve done myself, right. Let me show you. So by the end of that review, he was like, exhausted had been for hours. And he’s like, What do you want from me? I said, I want to know that I’ll be promoted first. Like, that’s what I want to know.
He’s like, make the money that you deserve. Yeah.
I said, and I want to know, a timeframe in which you’re gonna have a community for me. And so by the end, he was like, okay, you’ll be first. Fine.
Do you remember back then I feel like we got like $250 As a bonus for every sale, and then another 250 when it closed, and the market was insane back then. And we were just, wow, we were so underpaid.
We were so underpaid, it was in pain. And it was like always the promise of Oh, but you’re going to be promoted soon. I’m like, soon as not good enough. So I think one of the lessons in creating your vision and how you use a vision board, once you’re clear on what you want, like I could have been like, okay, my vision is to get promoted. But once I started to understand the framework of that organization, I’m like, No, my goal is to get promoted first. Because if I’m in line with eight other people, it’s going to be a year and a half of this longer, where I’m waiting and dying, like, yeah, so I think once you once you give yourself permission to want things to want to accomplish, whether it’s professional, whether it’s that you want a car, whether you want to build a house, whatever it is, once you give yourself permission and you go, you know what, I’m going to work hard, and I deserve that I deserve to earn that opportunity. I’ll put in the work. Right? Then it becomes real, and then you’re not afraid to have the hard conversations that get you there.
Yes, well, you know, about five-ish years ago, when you were helping me through some career changes. I was in a place where I guess I was still kind of waiting around for someone to help me make decisions or to lead me down the path. And since then, I have learned that I need to make my own path and making my own path is far gives me far greater happiness. Yes. Yeah. Um, and I think a lot of that, you know, is personality driven also, you know, the work environment that I was in Um, and if you are in one of those situations, a vision board can probably help pull you out of that such type of situation. Because it does, it does kind of make you feel like you have more control and give yourself your own tools. Yeah, or getting to that ultimate vision instead of just waiting around for people to hand it to you.
Well, and if you’re feeling you’re not at your best because of a situation you’re in like for you, Julia and your old work environment. It was a weight on your right, hopefully, you have like evolved into a totally different human being, because of making choices to get out of that situation. And so for some of you that are listening right now that are going where would I even start with a vision board? What would I want? Is it that I would want a new career? Is it that I would want a new boss is it. It might be that it’s time to have a conversation at work, because you there’s someone that you’re working with that they either need to change how they treat you, or you’re not going to work with them. That might be what’s on the vision board. And maybe the way you visualize that. You might right, like working with someone that I love, right that I enjoy spending time with, you might put a picture of you and another stick figure and both of you are smiling. Like it all depends on how you want to see that and what’s going to make it hit home for you. Yes,
manifest those good things. Yes. Okay. Very last question. Carrie, is when you were working with Tony, did he ever do anything about vision boarding? Like, I haven’t read enough of his books or his articles, but like, what did you learn any little piece from him?
Well, so Julia’s talking about Tony Robbins? Oh, yeah, sorry. I did a year of traveling with Tony Robbins. And it was absolutely amazing. Now, he talked a lot about manifesting your dreams. But I actually don’t know that he tied that to a vision board. I don’t know that there was a lesson I learned from him on not the biggest thing I learned from Tony is listening to your inner self. Because I think some of us, we might think that what we’re working on is getting a car. But ultimately, what we want to feel is the freedom to be able to go where we want and do what we want, right? Maybe there’s a deeper goal.
So part of my journey with Tony, I was lost, right? Because I felt like early in my career. I wanted to be number one, the number one real estate agent in Arlington. Right, it was like very clear, I could put that on a vision board. I was either number one or not like it’s not there was no ambiguity, right? But then, as I was number one in Virginia, and I like crossed that bridge, right, then all of a sudden, I just felt very lost, because there was nothing like very clear that I wanted to attain next. Yeah, right. And so I remember being at a business mastery with Tony. And I was sitting next to my husband and Braden, my, my first child…
was, yes, he was so tiny.
He was four months old. He was with he was with me on that trip. And thank God, my mother was with me. So she would bring him and then I would breastfeed him in the back of the room. No, I have no concerns about breastfeeding in public. I will say that. But I was listening to the person on stage, and they were talking about how they lost their vision. And all of a sudden, like, melt down, I was crying so hard. My husband was like, what happened? Like are you heard what like, did a bee fly and hearing stimuli? What happened? It was that I realized, I’m someone who believes so much in having a vision and I lost where I was going, because there wasn’t like a clear next step. And it wasn’t something that I could just check the box because I did it. It was more on a spiritual journey. And like trying to be in a place, I’m only where I wanted to be. And that’s a lot harder when you get to that place where you’re trying to shift your way of being. It’s, there’s a lot more ambiguity.
And so it’s and it’s harder to say like, Yes, I accomplished it, or No, I didn’t, it’s not so black and white. So try and figure out how you will know. So I started writing down like, well, what are the things that if I do them, I feel great. And for me, one of them like I love going on a walk on the beach. I love that. Okay, so how many times a week what I do that if I were succeeding, having this connection with the earth that I want, right? Right. So I would I would try and look at these big goals and figure out how I can break them down. Okay. And when I was at my busiest and growing my business, I remember, I was working with a coach, and one of the tips that the coach gave me was, you don’t have to pick something that makes you feel good, that takes a long time, you have to pick something that makes you feel good, that’s gonna take a short amount of time, because you don’t have a lot of time. So at that time, one of the things I decided was sitting down and petting my dog. It’s so weird, but I loved my dog. And so if I just went the whole day, and I never gave her any attention, I didn’t feel good. But if I got to sit and play with her, and like, you know, dogs love you unconditionally, like that made me feel so good. That it was a quick way that I could take five minutes and improve my day. So that was on my vision board. That was one of the things that I was like, don’t forget to play with Zoey.
Yeah, I saw this, like someone posted on Instagram, like a 30-day challenge. And it was like these five things that you will do that you will commit to every day for 30 days, to try to make a habit out of some of them. And some of those things are things that are quick and fast and give you happiness or clear your head, or help you get focused, or help bring you some sort of, you know, peace so that you can then tackle the next thing of your day.
Totally. I had a commitment that I put on my vision board once and then we’ll wrap up because I know we’re out of time. But I had a commitment that I was going to start I had like neglected getting my nails done getting my hair done like for I was just so busy that I was the things that were self-care. I was not doing. And so, I actually built them into my calendar in meetings so that I could have my nails done. And I could meet with someone on my leadership team and I could combine the two and so that I felt like I was taking care of myself taking care of them and actually having nails that looked presentable.
Well, you know, that’s just mom life, too, right?
We put time away from your kids to go get your nails done. We know you have a busy workday. Like that’s not that’s not how I would want to accomplish it. So I just started stacking things that I could accomplish the two goals that seem to be in competition, right work and health care. Well, why not do them at the same time?
Yes, multitasking. I love it. Okay, well, thanks, Keri. I know you have a busy schedule. So thank you for spending time with me and talking about vision boardings. I’m going to start today. I can’t wait. As soon as I finished mine. I’m going to send you a picture.
Okay, you better Okay. All right. Bye.
All right. Bye Julia. Bye, everybody. Have a wonderful day and go do a fabulous vision board for yourself.