White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard For White People To Talk About Racism
As an educator, consultant and trainer on racial and social justice, DiAngelo addresses the book to a white audience. Through specific examples from her training, she demonstrates white fragility in action –how a minimum about of racial stress triggers a range of defensive moves that help us maintain our comfort levels.
DiAngelo challenges her white readers to understand the racial realities of people of color through authentic cross-racial interactions, education on the history of race relations, and to break the silence about race and racism with other white people.
“The racial status quo is comfortable for white people and we will not move forward in race relations if we remain comfortable.”
“The key to moving forward is what we do without discomfort. We can use it as a door out – blame the messenger and disregard the message.”
“Or we can use it as a door in by asking, why does this unsettle me?… how does this lens change my understanding of racial dynamics?…”
“It is possible that because I am white, there are some racial dynamics that I can’t see?…”